Monday, August 14, 2006


Just when you THINK you have them all hidden, a 2-year old can FIND just one. So, yesterday I turned my back on EE for just a minute or 2. He comes walking up to me and grabs my hand and says "Come here Mommy". He proudly walks me over into our foyer were he shows off his artwork. pristine white wall right by my front door (the whole height of EE) is now BLUE...... Alas, I can't be mad though.....I did turn my back...even if it WAS for a moment. UGH.

Also, he has changed daycare rooms (they change every 6 months) and he's not digging that so much. He's a lot like his mommy in that aspect. He doesn't like change. He does OK after the first 10 minutes or so, but he sure hates it when I leave. He's doing really well otherwise.

It's pretty quite now that the boys have gone home and all of us are really sad about that. We miss them a ton and it's weird not seeing their faces every day.

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Here is my dancing chicken....he always cheers me up! LOL Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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