Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Ethan's Birthday!

Although Ethan's actual birthday party isn't until Saturday, we took him cupcakes to school today so that he could celebrate it with his daycare buddies. They sang to him, ate cupcakes, and then we left. Afterwards we took him to the playground for a while before dinner and then home to open presents. Tamara and Lagrand sent him some binoculars, and we got him a few Power Rangers movies. For dinner he asked for Pizza...all in all it was a good day. My baby is 4!!!!

He called Aunt Jenny today and informed her that she could wish him a Happy

Enjoy the pics, you can click to enlarge.

We just walked in to his daycare:

Singing Happy Birthday:

Transformers cake:

Climbing at the park:

Climbing the rock:

It's present time!

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