Monday, December 22, 2008

Santa's Email Message to Ethan

Let me just tell ya that this was an enormous hit with Ethan. Basically you just type in your child's name, some basic information, and then upload a pic...Santa will email you a personalized message! Ethan was answering Santa just like they were talking. When he saw that Santa had his picture, he was thrilled! We go through a daily routine of telling him to be good in school, listen to his teachers, and be nice to his friends. We just want to establish at a young age the importance of being kind and listening to his teachers.

We chose to have the message say that Santa knew he was trying to be good in school and Ethan immediately perked up and said "I need to tell Miss Sheila!!!!!" Miss Sheila is his teacher.

Anyway, you can check out Ethan's video. Let me know what you think!

Click here for Santa's Video.

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