I determined a few years ago that Texans have thin skin. Well, I have thin skin. I guess it's OK to admit (to my five readers here) that although I don't represent
everyone in Texas, in my world here on the blog, I do. Err.. and I will also admit (but don't tell anyone else I said so) that in my mind, my outlook on this is very significant.
What do you mean? you ask. Well I'll share. It can be 70 degrees outside and I have the heater on in my car. I have a heater on my desk at work. I have an extra heater in my bedroom. I love heating pads because they make me warm. Blow dryers make my heart sing when I'm blow drying my hair.
This is also a bone of contention between me and Jerry. You see, he's not Texan, therefore he doesn't have thin skin. We recently drove up to Austin (which is about a 3 hour drive). During the course of said 3 hours, we engaged in a temperature war. Every. Three. Minutes. I would continually try and get sneaky....creeping the temperature gauge to "hot" every time I thought Jerry wasn't looking. Obviously, I'm not as stealth as I tell myself I am. So he would then turn it back to cool and we would start all over. Luckily, we both have a sense of humor so instead of this turning ugly, it gave us a good laugh.
Lets take a moment though to step back in time, shall we? I was a senior in high school and was dating a boy with a convertible. One night we were going somewhere (and I have no idea where "somewhere" was) but it was an unusually cold winter night. Well, to
me it was an unusually cold winter night. I admit it was probably in the 50's. Apparently, he didn't have thin skin either because that night I do believe I might have singed his eyebrows a little. He was a good sport about it for a while but then he went and got all unreasonable on me! Unreasonable I tell ya! He pulled the car off of the road and in a huff,
yanked the roof off of the car!! I tried to sit there with as much dignity as I could muster, driving down the road in the dead of winter with the top down on the car. I do think I even muttered something to the effect of
Ughhh what's wrong with you!?We don't have a convertible now but I wouldn't put it past Jerry to do something similar. I admit, I get a little OCD when it comes to heat. Hmmmm, thinking about this a little more, maybe
I am the anomaly in this equation. Although, since this is my blog, I get to set the stage....
Everyone in Texas has thin skin.
Well...except for Jerry. And my high school boyfriend. Any my sister-in-law. And my bother. Oh, and Ethan...he doesn't have thin skin either
. Or my dad.
everyone else in Texas does. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Please excuse me while I go crank on the heat...
She Who Would Not Survive in AlaskaTonight, I'd like to give a special thanks to
Jen. Thanks Jen, for being you. And for letting me harass you endlessly a few moments ago.